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  • Writer's pictureAdam Garrett

Points Purchases

Image courtesy United Miles


Like with any cashback-earning debit/credit card, it's important to note that a workaround to points earning is to purchase them, whether out of pocket or with cashback earnings directly. Points purchases are typically best done during promo periods or in more rare cases, in recurring annual subscriptions. Points uses can be maximized in many ways including but not limited to promo periods (1, 2, 3).

Some of the best points purchase options I've seen in recent memory include (point valuations typically at time of deal):

Some of the Best Past Viable Airline Points Limited Time Promos or Subscriptions Near or Below their TPG or other Valuation

Some of the Best Past Viable Hotel Points Limited Time Promos or Subscriptions Near or Below their TPG or other Valuation

Hertz: Some of the Best Past Viable Car Rental Points Limited Time Promos or Subscriptions Near or Below their TPG or other Valuation

Viable Points Purchases with Amtrak

Choice Hotels - Examples Maximizing Hotel Points Purchases


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