Credit cards are obviously a problem if you're racking up credit card debt, but less obviously a problem if you're not carrying a balance but are spending more than you would otherwise if using debit cards. Credit cards should be treated as a privilege for those who are making otherwise wise financial decisions like insurance, savings, budgeting, investing, etc..
I generally don't recommend getting credit cards at this time if you currently have at least 1 & of the following are true, prioritizing the below prior to acquiring a new credit card:
Current interest accruing revolving balance
Committed bankruptcy in the past 5 years
Paycheck to paycheck
No health insurance
No auto insurance collision coverage
No life insurance or comparable investments
No annual contributions to retirement account
DTI >50%
High DTI on car payment
Renting a home in scenario that doesn't justify it
Below 680 credit score
680-740 credit score is questionable
About to make a large financed purchase
For those where credit cards are not an advisable option, I recommend looking into cashback debit cards & free debit cards with perks and otherwise getting in a better place financially before pursuing credit cards. See my secured card recommendations here.